So it has been a while since I've last posted a blog promising bacon brownies. Well I'm sorry but you will just have to wait. The brownies I made, though covered in crunchy yummy bacon, were far too cakey for me. In brownie terms (my brownie terms anyway) cakey=fail. Brownies must always be dense gooey fudgy happiness. Always. I would have posted about the fail last week but I ended up sick. Boo.
Today I would like to tell you about the joys of a good burger. I heart burgers in a big big way but am very picky about them. I believe that a burger should be able to stand up on it's own without any condiments. Bacon and bbq sauce are an amazing mask for a dry flavorless burger, not to say that I don't put that on my burger every time because I totally do. You just can't expect the condiments to do all of the work. Last night I made a killer burger. So juicy and well seasoned that I would have been happy with just patty and bun. David did the actual grilling because he likes to think of himself as a grill master in the making, but I combined all the ingredients. So I win.
I always like to start a meal with a pre-meal snack. This usually involves whatever I can reach while I'm cooking. Recently, however, I have been seeking out marshmallows to fulfill this need to nosh. In the past few weeks I find myself smelling marshmallows every where I go. Glass blowing smells like marshmallows (David and I went to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma last weekend), wood sanding smells like marshmallows (the neighbors are revamping their home), even the air smells like marshmallows. So after being tormented by the sticky sweet smell I marched myself to the store and bought three bags of them. And I tell you, I am not ashamed! You know, most people seem to have a marshmallow limit. They can only eat 2 or 3 before they feel ill. I, on the other hand, seem to have no limit. I can eat a whole bag and feel like taking a jog. (LIES. I never feel like taking a jog.) I can also eat brown sugar mixed with butter like it's nothing.....maybe that should stay a secret?
The one thing in life that I can and do OD on is cherries. The little bastards get me every time! They sweep me away into a world of cherry bliss and before I know it I have eaten an entire bowl and feel like I'm about to birth a gremlin. Then the next day I get up and do it again. I guess I have short term memory problems? Or a crazy addiction.
Was this supposed to be about a burger? I think so. I ate cherries with my burger if that helps tie together tangent with actual story. I made the burgers with a little over a pound of ground beef, adding about a tablespoon of soy sauce, probably 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder (I usually like to roast garlic for the burger but I ran out of time last night), onion powder (or chipped shallots but I had none), and dried basil. When the patties were formed I sprinkled the tops with seasoning salt and sent them on their way to the grill. I made them into two patties so they were quite the hefty burgers. So good and so worth the future cardiac arrest.
Yes, I ate the whole thing. And?
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